Shop Response to Covid 19

We are open to the public however our hours are shortened at the moment due to the pandemic.  If you would like to make a private shopping appointment due to health concerns, please call us at (616) 294-3492 or email  We are also happy to facetime you or text photos of anything if you shop online.  If you shop with us online you may pickup or we continue to ship.

We are diligently sanitizing surfaces multiple times per day and we'll be wearing a mask and ask that you do do so as well.  We do have complimentary masks available if you do not have one.

Other things to note:

-Shoppers Only at this time, family and friends who are not shopping for yarn should wait outside.

-In Store Help is not available at this time, if you are truly stuck, call us and we'll try to facetime or zoom with you to see if we can help.

-Please do not bring outside yarn or your projects into the store at this time.

-Please do not set your purse or other bags you are carrying on our tables of yarn.

-Our restroom remains closed, public restrooms are located at the end of our block at 9th and Central.

Current Hours:

Monday        10am - 5pm
Tuesday        Closed (appointments only)
Wednesday   10am - 5pm
Thursday      10am - 2pm
Friday           10am - 5pm
Saturday       10am - 2pm
Sunday          Closed


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